Have you ever wondered if you could put that leftover bacon grease to use instead of tossing it into the garbage? In this post, I will discuss how to store bacon great in the fridge, and ways you can use it!

How to Store Bacon Grease

Remove the bacon from the grease: Cook the bacon in a large skillet. Once the bacon is cooked, remove the bacon from the grease with a fork or slotted spoon, and place it on a paper towel to cool.

Let the bacon drippings cool: Allow the hot bacon grease cool for a few minutes before storing it in a glass jar.

Remove bacon bits: Use a mesh strainer to strain the solid bits from the leftover grease. Position the strainer over the bacon grease container and pour the grease into the strainer. You should see the excess grease run through the strainer leaving tiny pieces of cooked bacon bits behind. If you don’t have a strainer, a clean coffee filter will work in a pinch.

Store the fresh bacon grease: Put the jar of bacon grease into the fridge for short-term storage. Each time you need some for cooking, remove a little grease from the jar with a spoon and put it back in the fridge for later use. Bacon grease can last a couple of months in the fridge. For even longer storage you can put the bacon grease in the freezer.

What to Store Bacon Grease In?

There are many different ways to store bacon grease. The best way to store homemade bacon grease is in a glass container. My favorite way is to use this porcelain grease catcher. I love it not only because it looks pretty, but because it has a built-in grease strainer and fits perfectly in our fridge whenever we need a little bit of extra flavor in our meals.

The good news is that my favorite grease catcher is available on Amazon for an affordable price, making it easy for bacon lovers to save excess bacon grease.

Porcelain Grease Container

My favorite grease container with a built-in strainer from Amazon!

Can You Freeze Bacon Grease?

To extend the shelf life of bacon grease even further for future use is freezing. For best results use an airtight container that is freezer safe. Allow the bacon grease to cool to room temperature before putting it in the freezer.

You can use a mason jar or plastic container to store the grease, just be sure to use a freezer-safe container. You can also heat the grease to its liquid form and pour the melted bacon grease into an ice cube tray. Put the tray into the freezer to harden for a few hours before transferring the grease cubes to a ziploc bag.

Can Your Store Bacon Grease at Room Temperature?

Food safety experts do not recommend storing your bacon grease at room temperature. Instead, the best choice is to store it in the fridge or freezer.

How Long Does Back Grease Last in the Fridge?

Bacon grease can typically last in the fridge for up to 6 months in the fridge if stored properly in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. For long-term storage, consider storing your grease in the freezer.

Ways to Use Bacon Grease

Season Cast Iron Pans

A great cast-iron skillet is a well-seasoned skillet. to season with bacon grease first wash your new cast-iron pan. Add a bit of bacon grease to the pan and carefully rub it in before drying it over the stove on medium heat. The best part is the flavorful fat adds a meaty, savory flavor to your pan for future cooking.

Replace Butter For Cooking

Some home cooks refer to bacon grease as liquid gold because it is full of amazing flavor and it has a higher smoke point than butter. There are a lot of creative ideas to use bacon grease as a substitute for butter, olive oil, vegetable oil, cooking oil, etc.

  • roast vegetables
  • gravy base
  • fry burgers
  • use in a pie crust
  • cook hash browns or fries
  • fry eggs

More Frugal Kitchen Hacks!

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  1. Instead of straining the grease, put it in a container such as a mason jar with a lid. Put some water in, lid on tight and shake it. Then leave the jar upside down in the fridge. All of the debris will drop to bottom in the water and the grease will float to the top. Once grease solidifies in the cold, pour out the dirty water. Repeat if necessary once grease re-liquifies. So easy and purist I’ve seen.